Monday, May 11, 2009

San Jose Sharks

The San Jose Sharks are my favorite team in the NHL. The were the best in the league. In the Play-Offs they lost in round one series two games to four. They are my favorite because the have my favorite player Joe Thornton. The also have my favorite goalie Evgeni Nabokov.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Favorite Game

My favorite game is NBA live 09. To bad i got ONE flipin scratch. It doesn't work now. I tried every thing. I tried putting hair gel on it and it still doesn't work. It suck that it doesn't work.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Mae Wilson Theater

My Class went to the Mae Wilson theater on Tuesday, April 23 for a field trip.
We went on a tour threw the theater. The tour was directed by two people dressed up like thing 1 and thing 2, and there names were Mickey and Maude. My favorite part was when we went to the sound and lighting booth because you get to see all the seating in the theater.

The things that I thought could be improved is if they asked a couple more questions, and if they didn't have such squeaky voices.

The End

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Inline Hockey

I am sighing up for In line Hockey. I need new In line skates and a new stick. Last year my team won the championship. I hope I get a good team again. Its really fun playing In-line Hockey when you win all the time. I hope some day it will be a national sport.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Disney land pt.2

Disney land is sooooo awsome. We went on space mountain, and It was very fast. Big Thunder Mountain was also fast. My favorite ride was Materhorn (bobsled mountain) so far! Bye

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I'm going to Disneyland tomorrow. I'm very excited. The first ride I want to go on is Thunder mountian. It a ride that looks like a train. I watched videos of it an youtube and it looks fast. Ill keep you updated on stuff I do there bye.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Our class watched an other classes podcasts. I didn't know what a podcast was before. I found out what it was, its a speech of something interesting. If I made a podcast I would

make it about NHL games. I would also make a podcast about NBA games.